Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today's Weather February 8, 2012

Today it is 45 and cloudy.  We are expecting some rain.

To our friends in New Jersey: we see you have some snow in your forecast this weekend.  Are you happy about that?


  1. Today it is 32 degrees and partly cloudy in Paramus, NJ. It snowed a little bit last night to cover the grass. It was not enough to close school :( We took a picture for you but we are not sure how to send it in the blog.

    We are all very excited about the potential snow storm this weekend but wish it was coming tonight so we could have a snowday!!!

    Does it snow often in your area?

  2. You can email us a picture at

  3. Yes.It often snows every 2 or 3 years or so. How often do you guys get sun.
